Foundation Funded
With this year's fundraising we are projecting the following for SY 25-26 projects
Continue to support the iReady Software to bridge gaps for testing - Entire School $10,000
*Lower Playground turf - remaining area - Phase III
Dr. Moore Scholarship for Education - Annual Contribution and in collaboration with the PTSA, match $500 - Panel Review
Funding grade band STEM long Projects K-5th
STEM Lab supply allocation
Teacher Grants for classrooms - student focus (Fall/Spring)
Teacher breakfasts
Because of Donors, Corporate Matching and Company Sponsorships, we are able to do so much for the Bullard Elementary School, Staff and Students. Thank you for your comtinued support.
SY24-25 - Current Funding
Lower Playground - hardscape around building - Coming March 2025
Playground Wall - Focused Sponsorship - December 2024 - JR Electrical - WALL Project
*Upper playground project: turf in collaboration with PTSA Turf Installation - lower playground drainage, benches - Phase II (November 2024)
Pledge to Art and Music for new supplies and instruments $1000 each (October 2024)
Technology: 4 new Large TVs to help provide effective communication through the school. (October 2024)
All new Signs for Bullard (inside and outside) – Completed September 2024
iReady Software to bridge gaps for testing - Entire School $10,000; August 2024
New Bullard Matts, August 2024
Dr. Moore Scholarship for Education - Annual Contribution and in collaboration with the PTSA, match $500 - Panel Review
Funding grade band STEM long Projects K-5th (October 2024)
STEM Lab supply allocation
Teacher Grants for classrooms - student focus (Fall/Spring)
Teacher breakfasts
Matched Olivia Pugh Donation of $500, in collaboration with the PTSA
Matched PTSA with $375 towards 5th grade field trips so every student could go.
Matched Benjamin Prep with $1000 to send SE on their own field trip
Newsroom update and equipment 23-24SY $10,000
Grant to PE for new equipment $500
Matched PTSA for Teacher toner needs $500
Funding grade band STEM long Projects K-5th
STEM Lab supply allocation
Printer Toner - schoolwide
Teacher Grants for classrooms - student focus (Fall/Spring)
Teacher Grants since 2022, enriching classrooms for student success
*Collaborated with PTSA on Turf Installation on the lower playground - Phase I
Color Printers for grade bands.
Implemented Corporate Matching
Funding grade band STEM long Projects K-5th
STEM Lab supply allocation
Laptop charging carts per grade level
*Student Lap top purchases
STEM Lab supply allocation
Since the new board was formed in 2020-21SY, we pledged to raise money to give it back to the staff and students. Bullard was built in 2003 and needs a lot of things to keep our students succeeding. Whether that is enrichment of the student, classroom or technology driven solutions, we succeed together to bring you Bullard's Best!
Thank you to everyone that partners with Bullard Elementary School PTSA and Foundation. Whether that is with sponsorships, partnerships, matching, or donating; we truly appreciate your ongoing support. It is really making a difference, and we are able to do so much with your help! THANK YOU!!!
*Means the project cost more than $20,000