Teacher Requests
The FALL 2024 Winner was...
Thank you to all our Teacher grant applicates. CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Elkins as our Fall 2024 winner.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Bullard Foundation.

The SPRING 2024 Winners were...
Thank you to all our Teacher grant applicates. CONGRATULATIONS to the TARGET and SPECIAL Education teachers as our Spring 2024 winners.
We also Matched Benjmain Preparatory School with $1000 to send our Special Education students on their own field trip! Congrats and thank you to our Sponsors.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Bullard Foundation.

The FALL 2023 Winners were...
Thank you to all our Teacher grant applicates. CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Morley and Mrs. Rockefeller for our Fall 2023 winners. We also Granted $500 to Mrs. Fulford's class for Special Education.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Bullard Foundation.

The SPRING 2023 Winners were...
Ms. Clark for 2nd Grade Level and Ms. Kuykendall in 5th Gade. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Bullard Foundation.

The FALL 2022 Winners were...
Ms. Philp in 2nd grade and Ms. Brooks in the Gifted program. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
We will have another Request in Spring Semester starting in January. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Bullard Foundation.